Pollo Da Stiro's profile

Kattekrap - Concept and branding

Cut the crap? Kattekrap!
"Cut the crap!" is a way to tell someone to stop fooling around and get to the point. Every dictionary will describe the expression as highly informal, impolite, rude or offensive... words that are certainly not used as a compliment, in most contexts.
However, we believe that in dealing with serious and still underestimated issues such as addiction to smartphones, politeness shouldn’t be the most important thing.
Desperate times call for desperate measures
With the Kattekrap in your pocket, you'll be able to focus on what's really important. If you can't stop scrolling through the news feed of your social networks and taking pictures you'll never watch again, Kattekrap will solve the problem for you by eradicating the roots of your compulsive tapping.
Kattekrap has very little to offer. All you can do is make phone calls, send messages, take short notes, set the alarm clock, listen to the downloaded tracks and turn off the phone.
Not much stuff. But are you sure you need anything else, right now?
K + K
Show’em who’s boss
Tap to select, press to confirm. Adding an extra step might seem crazy, but we believe every action should follow a conscious choice. How many times do you tap on the screen just for the sake of it? You don't really think about it, it’s just a way to satisfy your addiction and release some stress.
The multi-function, physical choice buttons are here to remind you that you should keep an eye on your fingers and make sure they only move when you actually want them to.
Dreaming in black and white
The e-ink display takes away all the colors, but on the other hand it doesn't burn your eyes like a solar eclipse and lets your phone work for days after a short recharge. Colors? Who needs colors?
Get to the (exclamation) point!
A time-consuming, timesaving time traveller
Kattekrap’s virtual t9 keyboard is anachronistic and almost unusable. You'll find it really hard to chat for 7 hours straight while trying not to get fired or enjoy a relaxing day. You’d probably give up in a few minutes.
It' s not so bad to write down a quick memo or tell your dad to buy some milk, though.
Live it, love it, leave it
You can either enjoy the moment or kill it by trying to capture it. Photos are great, but if you come across a beautiful rainbow and all you can think about is the amount of likes you’ll find at the end of it... maybe you should take a step back and buy a no-camera phone. Like the Kattekrap.
Kattekrap is offline
There's no way to connect to the internet through the Kattekrap. You’ll probably miss the last like on the picture of your sleepy cat. You won't be the first one to read the 12-character weather update from that classmate of yours who moved to the other side of the world 14 years ago. And you won’t find out which actors had bad teeth before they got famous. I know, I know… it’s unpleasant.
Kattekrap - Concept and branding

Kattekrap - Concept and branding

Kattekrap has not much to offer. The e-ink smartphone won't let you waste your time on social networks, notifications, photos, backgrounds, smoot Read More
